周海云.Banach空间中关于Lipschitz φ-半压缩映象的带误差项的Ishikawa迭代过程(英文)[J].数学研究及应用,2000,20(2):159~165
Banach空间中关于Lipschitz φ-半压缩映象的带误差项的Ishikawa迭代过程(英文)
Ishikawa Iterative Process with Errors for Lipschitzian and φ-Hemicontractive Mappings in Banach Spaces
投稿时间:1997-10-10  修订日期:1999-08-30
英文关键词:Ishikawa iteration with errors  φ-strongly quasi-accretive mapping  φ-hemicontraction  arbitrary Banach space.
周海云 军械工程学院应用数学与力学研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2381
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      本文在任意Banach空间中研究了Lipschitz φ-半压缩映象与φ-强拟增生映象的带误差项的Ishikawa迭代过程,使用新的分析技巧建立了几个强收敛定理.
      Let X be a real Banish space, K a nonempty convex subset of X such that K + K?K. Let T: K → K be a Lipschitzian andφ-hemicontractive mapping with a Lipschitzian constant L ≥ 1. Let {αn}n=0, and {βn}n=0 be two real sequences in [0, 1] satisfying: (i) αn→0,βn→ 0 as n → ∞; (ii) (?)αn=∞ . Assume that {un}n=0 and {vn}n=0 are two sequences in K satisfying . ‖un‖= o(αn),vn → 0 as n →∞. For an arbitrary xn∈K define a sequence {xn}n=0 in K by(?) If {Tyn} is bounded, then the sequence {xn} converges strongly to the unique fixed point of T. A related result deals with iterative solution of nonlinear equations with φ-strongly quasi-accretive mappings by the Ishikawa iteration with errors in an arbitrary Banach space.
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