郭双建.分裂的正则Hom-Poisson 着色代数结构[J].数学研究及应用,2019,39(5):495~505
分裂的正则Hom-Poisson 着色代数结构
On Split Regular Hom-Poisson Color Algebras
投稿时间:2018-12-20  修订日期:2019-03-03
中文关键词:  Hom-李着色代数  Hom-Poisson着色代数    结构理论
英文关键词:Hom-Lie color algebra  Hom-Poisson color algebra  root  structure theory
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(Grant No.11761017), 贵州教育厅青年成长项目(Grant No.KY[2018]155).
郭双建 贵州财经大学数学与统计学院, 贵州 贵阳 550025 
摘要点击次数: 1179
全文下载次数: 1159
      作为分裂的正则Hom-Poisson代数和分裂的正则Hom-李着色代数的自然推广, 本文介绍了一类分裂的正则双Hom-Poisson着色代数. 利用这类代数根连通的发展技巧, 本文证明了分裂的正则双Hom-Poisson着色代数$A$写成$A=U+\sum_{\alpha}I_\alpha$, 其中$U$为极大交换子代数$H$的子空间和$I_\alpha$为$A$的理想, 若$[\alpha]\neq[\beta]$, 满足$[I_\a, I_\b]+I_\a I_\b=0$ 在一定条件下, 描述了$A$的最大长度和它的半单性.
      We introduce the class of split regular Hom-Poisson color algebras as the natural generalization of split regular Hom-Poisson algebras and the one of split regular Hom-Lie color algebras. By developing techniques of connections of roots for this kind of algebras, we show that such a split regular Hom-Poisson color algebras $A$ is of the form $A=U+\sum_{\a}I_\a$ with $U$ a subspace of a maximal abelian subalgebra $H$ and any $I_{\a}$, a well described ideal of $A$, satisfying $[I_\a, I_\b]+I_\a I_\b = 0$ if $[\a]\neq [\b]$. Under certain conditions, in the case of $A$ being of maximal length, the simplicity of the algebra is characterized.
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