Asymptotically Exact a Posteriori Error Estimates for Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problems
Asymptotically Exact a Posteriori Error Estimates for Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problems
Received:March 31, 2024  Revised:September 05, 2024
英文关键词:Polynomial Preserving Recovery  nonsymmetric eigenvalue problem  a posteriori error estimates.
Author NameAffiliationAddress
Jun Zhang* Guizhou university of finance and economics Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Huaxi University Town, Guiyang
Jiayu Han Guizhou normal university 
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      This paper is devoted to the Polynomial Preserving Recovery (PPR) based a posteriori error analysis for the second elliptic nonsymmetric eigenvalue problem. An asymptotically exact a posteriori error estimator is proposed for solving the convection-dominated nonsymmetric eigenvalue problem with non-smooth eigenfunctions or multiple eigenvalues. Numerical examples confirm our theoretical analysis.
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