Cartan-Eilenberg FPn-injective and FPn-flat complexes
Cartan-Eilenberg FPn-injective and FPn-flat complexes
Received:August 30, 2024  Revised:December 23, 2024
英文关键词:Cartan-Eilenberg FPn-injective complex  Cartan-Eilenberg FPn- flat complex  duality pair  cotorsion pair
Author NameAffiliationAddress
Xie Zongyang* Gansu Normal College for Nationalities Department of Mathematics,Gansu Normal College for Nationalities,Hezuo, Gansu
Lu Bo Northwest Minzu University College of Mathematics and Computer Science,Northwest Minzu university,Lanzhou, Gansu
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      Let n ≥ 1 be an integer. In this article, we study the notions of CartanEilenberg FPn-injective and Cartan-Eilenberg FPn-flat complexes. We also investigate duality pairs relative to the Cartan-Eilenberg FPn-injective and Cartan-Eilenberg FPn-flat complexes. As applications, we obtain that any complex admits Cartan-Eilenberg FPn-injective (resp. Cartan-Eilenberg FPn- flat) cover and preenvelope and we characterize left n-coherent rings using these two classes of complexes.
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