The Hyponormal Block Dual Toeplitz Operators
The Hyponormal Block Dual Toeplitz Operators
Received:October 26, 2024  Revised:October 26, 2024
英文关键词:Block dual Toeplitz operators  Hyponormal  Vector-valued weighted Bergman space
Author NameAffiliation
Yingliang Fu School of Mathematical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning 
Puyu Cui* School of Mathematics, Liaoning Normal University 
Yufeng Lu School of Mathematical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning 
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      We consider the hyponormality of the block dual Toeplitz operator $S_{\Phi}$ acting on the orthogonal complement of the vector valued weighted Bergman space $\left(A_{\alpha}^{2}(\mathbb{D},\mathbb{C}^{n})\right)^{\bot}$. We provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the hyponormality of $S_{\Phi}$ with matrix valued bounded harmonic symbol. Next we give some applications of the function $g_{w,s}\in\left(A_{\alpha}^{2}(\mathbb{D})\right)^{\bot}$, which is similar to the reproducing kernel of the weighted Bergman space $A_{\alpha}^{2}(\mathbb{D})$. Finally, we characterize that the quasinormality of dual Toeplitz operator on $\left(A^{2}(\mathbb{D})\right)^{\bot}$.
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