Rings All of Whose Left ideals are Generated by Idempotents
中文关键词:  Artin半单环  vonNeumann正则环.自内射环  正交有限环  正规环
英文关键词:Artinian semisimple rings  von Neumann regular rings  self-injective rings  orthogonally finite rings  normal rings.
吴贵花 安徽师范大学数学系 
章聚乐 安徽师范大学数学系 
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      环R称为左PI-环,是指R的每个主左理想由有限个幂等元生成.本文的主要目的是研究左PI-环的von Neumann正则性,证明了如下主要结果:(1)环R是Artin半单的当且仅当R是正交有限的左PI-环;(2)环R是强正则的当且仅当R是左PI-环,且对于R的每个素理想P,R/P是除环;(3)环R是正则的且R的每个左本原商环是Artin的当且仅当R是左PI-环且R的每个左本原商环是Artin的;(4)环R是左自内射正则环且Soc(R)≠0当且仅当R是左PI-环且它包含内射极大左理想;(5)环R是MELT正则环当且仅当R是MELT左PI-环.
      A ring R is called a left PI-ring if every principal left ideal in R is generated by a finite set of idempotents. The aim of this paper is to study von Neumann regularity of left PI-rinss.We prove the following results: (1) A ring R is artinian semisimple if and only if R is an orthogonally finite left PI-ring; (2) A ring R is strongly regular if and only if R is a left PI-ring and R /P is a division ring for any prime ideal P of R: (3) A ring R is regular and allleft primitive factor rings of R are artinian;(4)A ring R is a left self-injective regular ring and soc(R)≠0 if and only if R is a left PI-ring containing an injective maximal left ideal; (5) A ring R is an MELT regular ring if and only if R is an MELT left PI-ring. We also give some character-izations of normal rings.
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