Ordering Graphs by the Augmented Zagreb Indices
投稿时间:2014-07-25  修订日期:2014-12-22
中文关键词:  增强型萨格勒布指数  连通图    单圈图  双圈图
英文关键词:augmented Zagreb index  connected graphs  trees  unicyclic graphs  bicyclic graphs
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(Grant No.11326221).
黄宇飞 广州民航职业技术学院数学教学部, 广东 广州 510403 
柳柏濂 华南师范大学 数学科学学院, 广东 广州 510631 
摘要点击次数: 2948
全文下载次数: 3613
      近年来, B. Furtula等学者提出了一个对辛烷和庚烷生成热的研究有较大价值的预测指标--图$G$的增强型萨格勒布指数($AZI$指数), 其定义为:$$AZI(G)=\sum_{uv\in E(G)}(\frac{d_ud_v}{d_u+d_v-2})^3,$$其中$E(G)$是图$G$的边集, $d_u$和$d_v$分别记边$uv\in E(G)$的两个端点$u$和$v$的度数. 在本文中, 我们分别得到了AZI指数前$5$大和前$2$小的$n$阶连通图; 而且, 我们分别确定了AZI 指数前$3$小的$n$阶树; AZI指数前$2$小的$n$阶单圈图; AZI指数最小的$n$阶双圈图.
      Recently, Furtula et al. proposed a valuable predictive index in the study of the heat of formation in octanes and heptanes, the augmented Zagreb index (AZI index) of a graph $G$, which is defined as $$\AZI(G)=\sum_{uv\in E(G)}\big(\frac{d_ud_v}{d_u+d_v-2}\big)^3,$$ where $E(G)$ is the edge set of $G$, $d_u$ and $d_v$ are the degrees of the terminal vertices $u$ and $v$ of edge $uv$, respectively. In this paper, we obtain the first five largest (resp., the first two smallest) AZI indices of connected graphs with $n$ vertices. Moreover, we determine the trees of order $n$ with the first three smallest AZI indices, the unicyclic graphs of order $n$ with the minimum, the second minimum AZI indices, and the bicyclic graphs of order $n$ with the minimum AZI index, respectively.
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