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| Toward Newton Method in Nondifferentiable Optimization |
| E.A. Nurminski |
| 1992,12(2):159-163 [Abstract(1900)] [View PDF] |
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| An Extended Schl?milch Formula and Its Applications |
| L.C. Hsu |
| 1992,12(2):164 [Abstract(2784)] [View PDF] |
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| A Note on the Number of Loopless Eulerian Planar Maps |
| Liu Yanpei |
| 1992,12(2):165-170 [Abstract(2101)] [View PDF] |
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| A Note on Stability of Multivariate Distributions |
| Wei-Bin Zeng |
| 1992,12(2):171-175 [Abstract(1920)] [View PDF] |
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| 关于Von Neumann正则环的一个问题 |
| 陈惠香 |
| 1992,12(2):176-178 [Abstract(1765)] [View PDF] |
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| Multivariate Orthonormal Bases of Wavelets |
| Zhou Dingxuan |
| 1992,12(2):179-182 [Abstract(1880)] [View PDF] |
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| A Note on the Toughness of Generalized Petersen Graphs |
| Chong-Yun Chao and Han Shaocen |
| 1992,12(2):183-186 [Abstract(2271)] [View PDF] |
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| Uniform Approximation by Multidimensional Szász-Mirakjan Operators |
| Zhou Dingxuan,Xuan Peicai and Zhang Zhenqiu |
| 1992,12(2):187-192 [Abstract(2114)] [View PDF] |
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| Uniform Approximation by the Combinations of Ismail-May Operators |
| Xuan Peicai |
| 1992,12(2):193-200 [Abstract(1889)] [View PDF] |
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| A New Gonvergent Algotithm for Nonlinear Constrainted Optimiztion Problems |
| Wei Zhenxin |
| 1992,12(2):201-206 [Abstract(1924)] [View PDF] |
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| 多值k—集压缩映射正不动点存在的边界条件 |
| 孔文波,丁协平 |
| 1992,12(2):207-212 [Abstract(1812)] [View PDF] |
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| Derivation in Subdivectly Irreducible Rings |
| Fu Changlin and Yuan Yongjiu |
| 1992,12(2):213-216 [Abstract(1974)] [View PDF] |
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| On the Behaviour of Some Four-Order Nonsymmeric Differential Operators with Parameter ? |
| Liu Yingfan |
| 1992,12(2):217-227 [Abstract(2009)] [View PDF] |
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| Improvement of Sufficient Conditions for Stability of Discrete Scheme |
| Yang Qingmin |
| 1992,12(2):228-230 [Abstract(1764)] [View PDF] |
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| On Small Projective Modules |
| Lin Yonghui |
| 1992,12(2):231-234 [Abstract(1904)] [View PDF] |
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| Sharp Estimates for Lebesgue Constants on Compact Lie Groups |
| Zheng Xuean |
| 1992,12(2):235-246 [Abstract(2053)] [View PDF] |
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| 关于正规Fitting对 |
| 郭文彬 |
| 1992,12(2):247-248 [Abstract(1729)] [View PDF] |
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| A Note on Finite Solvable (q)-group and (s-q)-group |
| Zhang Qinhai |
| 1992,12(2):249-252 [Abstract(2192)] [View PDF] |
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| Bounded Property of Infinite Matrix Transformation Set about Echelon Space |
| Lin Ping |
| 1992,12(2):253-257 [Abstract(1951)] [View PDF] |
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| On Derivation Approximation of Bernstein Operator |
| He jiaxing and Xu Chunning |
| 1992,12(2):258-260 [Abstract(1983)] [View PDF] |
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| Complete Hypersurfaces in S4(1) with Constant Scalar Curvature |
| Sun Huafei |
| 1992,12(2):261-268 [Abstract(2086)] [View PDF] |
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| The Inverse Generalized Eigenvalue Problem |
| Yin Qingxiang |
| 1992,12(2):269-276 [Abstract(1907)] [View PDF] |
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| Some Properties of Dynamical Systems on the Torus |
| Yu Shuxiang |
| 1992,12(2):277-280 [Abstract(2028)] [View PDF] |
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| On the Pointwise Estimation of Approximation of Functions and Their Derivatives by Hermite Interpolation |
| Wang Ziyu and Tian Jishan |
| 1992,12(2):281-286 [Abstract(2150)] [View PDF] |
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| Cohn Rings and Their Grothendieck Groups |
| Wang Fanggui |
| 1992,12(2):287-291 [Abstract(1790)] [View PDF] |
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| Algebraic Structure of Canonical Completely Distributive Lattice |
| Shi Fugui |
| 1992,12(2):292-294 [Abstract(1721)] [View PDF] |
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| 关于Jackson算子的最佳逼近常数 |
| 王冠闽 |
| 1992,12(2):295-300 [Abstract(1912)] [View PDF] |
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| Pointwise Consistency of L1-Norm Nearest Neighbour Estimator of the Conditional Median |
| Hong Shengyan |
| 1992,12(2):301-304 [Abstract(2089)] [View PDF] |
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| The Approximation of Continuous Function by Kantorovitch Operator and Its Transformation Operator |
| Ye Nanfa |
| 1992,12(2):305-306 [Abstract(2028)] [View PDF] |
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| 秦九韶大衍术与高斯《算术探讨》 |
| 沈康身 |
| 1992,12(2):307-312 [Abstract(2102)] [View PDF] |
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| A Note on Queueing System M/M/1 |
| He Qiming |
| 1992,12(2):313-315 [Abstract(1709)] [View PDF] |
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| 张鸣镛教授学术传记 |
| 方德植,高琪仁 |
| 1992,12(2):316-318 [Abstract(1742)] [View PDF] |
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