Volume 4,Issue 3,1984 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  


On Cyclic Vectors of Backward Weighted Shifts
  Zhao Guanghua
  1984,4(3):1-6 [Abstract(2151)]  [View PDF]
The S-Separations
  Hu Qingping
  1984,4(3):7-12 [Abstract(1996)]  [View PDF]
On Coflat Modules and the Weak Global Dimension of Rings
  Chen Jianai
  1984,4(3):13-16 [Abstract(1947)]  [View PDF]
Fuzzy Metrization-an Application of Imbedding Theory
  Liu Yingming
  1984,4(3):17-21 [Abstract(3283)]  [View PDF]
  Yu Jiuman
  1984,4(3):22 [Abstract(1833)]  [View PDF]
On Certain Maximal Subgroups and the Automorphism Group of GLn(F)
  Ding Songqin
  1984,4(3):23-28 [Abstract(2297)]  [View PDF]
Some Special Class of Periodic Rings
  Guo Yuanchun
  1984,4(3):29-32 [Abstract(1738)]  [View PDF]
The Reduced Form and Existence Theorem of the Canonical Form of Characteristic Matrices over a Skew Field
  Fang Hongjin
  1984,4(3):33-36 [Abstract(2069)]  [View PDF]
Counting Rooted Planar Maps
  Liu Yanpei
  1984,4(3):37-46 [Abstract(2123)]  [View PDF]
On the Improved Form of the Bounded Theorem for Pseudo-Differential Operators
  Du Xinhua
  1984,4(3):47-54 [Abstract(2032)]  [View PDF]
On the Generalized Nonexpansive Maps
  Zhang Chuanyi
  1984,4(3):55-58 [Abstract(2147)]  [View PDF]
The Boundary Value Problem for a Class of the Second-order Ordinary Differential Equations
  Zhou Qinde and Du Ruizhi
  1984,4(3):59-63 [Abstract(1983)]  [View PDF]
On the Criterion for the Stability of the Certain Class Linear Time Vary Delay Differential Equations
  Liao Xiaoxin
  1984,4(3):64-68 [Abstract(2011)]  [View PDF]
  Shi Xifu
  1984,4(3):69-76 [Abstract(1901)]  [View PDF]
Two Problems on Self-reciprocal Formulas
  Cai chuanren
  1984,4(3):77-81 [Abstract(2040)]  [View PDF]
  Zheng Zuxiu
  1984,4(3):82 [Abstract(1796)]  [View PDF]
An Extreme Property for a Kind of Polynomial Series
  Zhang Peixuan
  1984,4(3):83-86 [Abstract(1772)]  [View PDF]
Several Theorems on Unbounded Control for Distributed Parameter Systems
  Yao Yunlong and You Yuncheng
  1984,4(3):87-92 [Abstract(2351)]  [View PDF]
Nonexistence of UMVUE for the Parameter of a Two-sided Trancated Family
  Chen Guijing and Chen Xiru
  1984,4(3):93-98 [Abstract(2468)]  [View PDF]
Integral Formulas for Submanifolds in Euclidean Space and Their Applications to Uniqueness Theorem
  Li Anmin
  1984,4(3):99-100 [Abstract(1767)]  [View PDF]
The Classifications of Large Cardinal Axioms and Their Relations
  Xiao Xian
  1984,4(3):101-106 [Abstract(2005)]  [View PDF]
On Boundary Value Problems with the Shift for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations of Second Order
  Wen Guochun
  1984,4(3):107-113 [Abstract(1947)]  [View PDF]
Note on the Concept of Microscopic Measure in *R
  Hsu L. C.
  1984,4(3):114 [Abstract(1747)]  [View PDF]
Some Problems in Additive Number Theory (Ⅰ)
  Lu Minggao
  1984,4(3):115-124 [Abstract(1877)]  [View PDF]
On some Kinds of Methods about Producing the Corresponding Non-Periodic Kernel from a Periodic Kernel
  Chou Kecheng
  1984,4(3):125-132 [Abstract(2022)]  [View PDF]
  Zhang Shunyan and Zhang Nanyue
  1984,4(3):133-136 [Abstract(1868)]  [View PDF]
An Unified Approach to Approximation Theorems of Dini-Lipschitz-Type
  R.J.Nessel and E.van Wickeren
  1984,4(3):137-152 [Abstract(2288)]  [View PDF]
  Ye Zhangzhao
  1984,4(3):153-154 [Abstract(1765)]  [View PDF]
  Yang Zhongqiang
  1984,4(3):155-156 [Abstract(1677)]  [View PDF]
  Mo Shaokui
  1984,4(3):157-158 [Abstract(1868)]  [View PDF]
评D.Gaier著Vorlesungen über Approximation im Komplexen
  Shen Xiechang
  1984,4(3):159-160 [Abstract(1772)]  [View PDF]