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| Time Behaviour of Solution of the Porous Medium Equation with Absorption |
| Yang Jinshun and Zhao Junning |
| 1992,12(1):1-12 [Abstract(1859)] [View PDF] |
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| 半线性椭圆型方程解的渐近状态 |
| 周德堂,程旭 |
| 1992,12(1):13-20 [Abstract(1813)] [View PDF] |
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| The Stability of Bifurcate Solutions for a Kind of Nonlinear Equations |
| Yin Qun |
| 1992,12(1):21-27 [Abstract(2115)] [View PDF] |
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| Some Theorems for the Ranges of Perturbed m-accretive Operators |
| Yang Guanghong |
| 1992,12(1):28-32 [Abstract(2000)] [View PDF] |
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| On Existence of Solution for the Set-Valued System x∈F(x,y),y∈G(x,y) |
| Lin Qiang |
| 1992,12(1):33-36 [Abstract(2008)] [View PDF] |
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| On the Geometric Property and Application of a Cone Which Allows Plastering |
| Han Zhiqing |
| 1992,12(1):37-40 [Abstract(1913)] [View PDF] |
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| Boundedness of Littlewood-Paley Operators and Marcinkiewicz Integral on εa,p |
| Qiu Sigang |
| 1992,12(1):41-50 [Abstract(2041)] [View PDF] |
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| Almost Second Countable Spaces, Almost First Countable Spaces and Almost Separable Spaces |
| Gao Yinzhu |
| 1992,12(1):51-58 [Abstract(2140)] [View PDF] |
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| 2-Carleson Measures and Bloch Functions on the Unit Polydisc Dn in Cn |
| Wulan Hasi |
| 1992,12(1):59-65 [Abstract(1890)] [View PDF] |
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| 拓扑代数的Arens正则性 |
| 吴从炘,张波 |
| 1992,12(1):66-70 [Abstract(2101)] [View PDF] |
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| A Generalization of V-Rings and Torsion Theory |
| Zhou Meng |
| 1992,12(1):71-79 [Abstract(1982)] [View PDF] |
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| Inequalities for the Partial Trace of Matrix Exponential |
| Cheng Ling |
| 1992,12(1):80-82 [Abstract(2351)] [View PDF] |
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| A New Globally Convergent Algorithm for Nonlinear Constrainted Optimization Problems |
| Wei Zhenxin |
| 1992,12(1):83-87 [Abstract(2473)] [View PDF] |
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| On the Complete System of Residues in Dedeking Domain |
| Gao Weidong |
| 1992,12(1):88-90 [Abstract(1865)] [View PDF] |
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| On Singular Value Inequalities for Quaternion Matrix Products |
| Xi Boyan |
| 1992,12(1):91-94 [Abstract(2182)] [View PDF] |
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| Relative Hereditary Rings |
| Guo Yu |
| 1992,12(1):95-100 [Abstract(2019)] [View PDF] |
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| Homological Properties of PS-Rings |
| Yue Qin |
| 1992,12(1):101-106 [Abstract(1966)] [View PDF] |
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| Some Theorems of Self-Conjugate Matrices over the Strong p-Division Ring |
| Zhang Shuqing |
| 1992,12(1):107-111 [Abstract(2039)] [View PDF] |
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| On Uniformity Problem of Judgment Matrix |
| Hu Yuda and Lu Jingkui |
| 1992,12(1):112-116 [Abstract(2067)] [View PDF] |
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| The Spaces ∧α of Lipschitz Continuous Functions on Complete Riemannian Manifold with Nonnegative Curvature |
| Li Jiayu |
| 1992,12(1):117-126 [Abstract(2239)] [View PDF] |
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| On 3-Dimensional Totally Real Minimal Submanifolds in a Complex Projective Space |
| Guo Xiaoying and Shen Yibing |
| 1992,12(1):127-130 [Abstract(2356)] [View PDF] |
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| Fourier级数及其导级数的逼近 |
| 盛淑云 |
| 1992,12(1):131-136 [Abstract(1786)] [View PDF] |
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| Uniform Approximation By Combinations of Gauss-Weierstrass Operators |
| Xuan Peicai |
| 1992,12(1):137-142 [Abstract(1871)] [View PDF] |
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| 图Gn×P2的优美性 |
| 杨燕昌,王广选 |
| 1992,12(1):143-148 [Abstract(1865)] [View PDF] |
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| On the Numerical Unstability of Cayley-Hamilton Method for Matrix Inversion |
| Deng Jianxin |
| 1992,12(1):149-152 [Abstract(2702)] [View PDF] |
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| A Note on Metrization Theorem |
| Lin Shou |
| 1992,12(1):153-155 [Abstract(1983)] [View PDF] |
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| 沈燮昌的学术成就与贡献——沉痛悼念我师沈燮昌教授 |
| 肖杰 |
| 1992,12(1):156-158 [Abstract(2004)] [View PDF] |
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