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| Complete Lie Superalgebras |
| Li Zhenheng |
| 1994,14(2):159-164 [Abstract(2181)] [View PDF] |
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| Finite Groups whose Proper SubgronpOrders Are Consecutive integers |
| Shi Wujie |
| 1994,14(2):165-166 [Abstract(1981)] [View PDF] |
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| n-ideal Near Rings |
| W. B. Vasantha and Kandasamy |
| 1994,14(2):167-168 [Abstract(1829)] [View PDF] |
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| Some Generalized Ramsey Numbers |
| Huang Guotai |
| 1994,14(2):169-174 [Abstract(2154)] [View PDF] |
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| An Embedding Theorem of PSL(2, F)and its Application |
| Zha Jtanguo |
| 1994,14(2):175-180 [Abstract(1944)] [View PDF] |
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| A Generalization of Univalent Functions with Negative Coefficients |
| M.K Aouf and P.G. Umarani |
| 1994,14(2):181-186 [Abstract(2188)] [View PDF] |
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| Global Existence and Asymptotic Behaviour of Solutionfor a Strongly Coupled Parabolic System |
| Chen Caisheng |
| 1994,14(2):187-200 [Abstract(1987)] [View PDF] |
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| Stability of Solution of Oblique Derivative Proflem forNonlinear Complex Elliptic Equation of First Order |
| Xu Keming and Yang Guangwu |
| 1994,14(2):201-206 [Abstract(2214)] [View PDF] |
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| f-homogeneous Imbedded Snbspacesin Locally Convex Spaces |
| Song Wenhua |
| 1994,14(2):207-213 [Abstract(1935)] [View PDF] |
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| An Application of Stieltjes-type Integrals *RSu in Functional Analysis |
| Liu Tiefu and Zhao Linsheng |
| 1994,14(2):214 [Abstract(1881)] [View PDF] |
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| Decomposition Method for Studying Multivaliate Splines |
| Shi Xiquan and Wang Renhong |
| 1994,14(2):215-216 [Abstract(2876)] [View PDF] |
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| An Orthogonal Equivariant Estimator of MultivariateLocation with the Maximal Breakdown Point |
| Huang Fuchun |
| 1994,14(2):217-219 [Abstract(2044)] [View PDF] |
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| Existence of Best Rational L∝ Approximation |
| Pan Jie |
| 1994,14(2):220-222 [Abstract(2205)] [View PDF] |
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| Positive Solutions of a Class of Operator Equations in Ordered Banach Spaces |
| Hu Shigeng |
| 1994,14(2):223-230 [Abstract(2107)] [View PDF] |
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| On the Borel Point of Meromorphic. Function of zero Order in the Circle |
| Gao Zongsheng |
| 1994,14(2):231-234 [Abstract(1922)] [View PDF] |
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| Normedness and Metrizability of Strong Topology |
| Wu Congxin and Bu Qingying |
| 1994,14(2):235-238 [Abstract(2340)] [View PDF] |
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| L-fuzzy Locale Theory and a L-fuzzy Topological Representation for Distributive Lattice |
| Zhang Dexue and Liu Yingming |
| 1994,14(2):239-244 [Abstract(2923)] [View PDF] |
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| Local Hardy Spaces over Local Fields |
| Zhou Guangcai and Su Weiyi |
| 1994,14(2):245-248 [Abstract(2401)] [View PDF] |
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| On Opial-Olech Inequality and Its Applications |
| Hu Ke |
| 1994,14(2):249-254 [Abstract(1936)] [View PDF] |
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| An Improvement of Hardy-Riesz’s Extension of the Hilbert Ineqnality |
| Gao Mingzhe |
| 1994,14(2):255-259 [Abstract(1996)] [View PDF] |
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| Quadratic Equations over Noncommutativo Division Rings |
| Zhang Shengzhu and Mu Dalu |
| 1994,14(2):260-264 [Abstract(2098)] [View PDF] |
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| The Rank of Partitioned Matrices over Non-commutative Principal Ideal Domain |
| Zhuang Wajin |
| 1994,14(2):265-270 [Abstract(2230)] [View PDF] |
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| A Characteristic of FP-injective Rings |
| Chen Jianlong |
| 1994,14(2):271-275 [Abstract(2225)] [View PDF] |
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| 两分子饱和反应系统的全局稳定性 |
| 赵振海 |
| 1994,14(2):276 [Abstract(1882)] [View PDF] |
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| An Application of T-inverses of Matrices to a Class of Constrained System |
| Jiang Shengyuan |
| 1994,14(2):277-284 [Abstract(1910)] [View PDF] |
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| Inner p-closed Groups and Their Gneralization |
| Li Xianhua |
| 1994,14(2):285-288 [Abstract(2225)] [View PDF] |
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| A Note on Weighted Difference Method for a Singnlar Perturbation Problem |
| Yu Chongqing |
| 1994,14(2):289-292 [Abstract(2078)] [View PDF] |
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| A Type of Asymptotic Integration for Linerar Functional Differential Equations |
| Deng Feiqi |
| 1994,14(2):293-298 [Abstract(1937)] [View PDF] |
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| Snrvey of the Current Research on HomoclinicOrbits and Heteroclinic Orbits |
| Feng Beiye |
| 1994,14(2):299-311 [Abstract(2404)] [View PDF] |
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| 概率分布函数序列弱收敛的一个充分条件 |
| 陈俊雅 |
| 1994,14(2):312 [Abstract(1946)] [View PDF] |
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| 复分块阵的正定性及AX=b的反问题求解 |
| 陈福元 |
| 1994,14(2):313-314 [Abstract(1730)] [View PDF] |
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| A Theorem on Matrixddition and a Matrix Inequality |
| Su Huaming |
| 1994,14(2):315-318 [Abstract(1868)] [View PDF] |
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