Volume 25,Issue 3,2005 Table of Contents

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Global convergence of a solution to p-Ginzburg-Landau type equations
  LEI Yu-tian
  2005,25(3):381-390 [Abstract(2052)]  [View PDF]
Exponential Attractor for Davey-Stewartson Equation in a Banach Space
  HUANG Jian and DAI Zheng-de
  2005,25(3):391-398 [Abstract(2063)]  [View PDF]
On a New Mapping Related to Hadamard's Inequalities
  YU Yong-xin and LIU Zheng
  2005,25(3):399-406 [Abstract(2114)]  [View PDF]
S-integral and Gronwall's Inequality
  WANG Cai-shi
  2005,25(3):407-413 [Abstract(2428)]  [View PDF]
Generalized Vector Quasi-Variational-Like Inequalities without Monotonity and Compactness
  PENG Jian-wen and RONG Wei-ding
  2005,25(3):414-422 [Abstract(2054)]  [View PDF]
Influence of s-Semipermutability of Some Subgroups of Prime Power Order on Structure of Finite Groups
  WANG Li-fang and ZHANG Qin-hai
  2005,25(3):423-428 [Abstract(2417)]  [View PDF]
Some Applications of L-injective Envelopes
  ZHOU De-xu
  2005,25(3):429-435 [Abstract(2045)]  [View PDF]
Some Properties of duo QF-1 Rings
  CHEN Zhi-xiong
  2005,25(3):436-440 [Abstract(2171)]  [View PDF]
Identities Involoving Some Numbers Related to Dyck Paths
  SUN Yi-dong
  2005,25(3):441-446 [Abstract(2270)]  [View PDF]
A Note on Lattice Paths with Diagonal Steps in Three-Dimensional Space
  LU Qing-lin
  2005,25(3):447-450 [Abstract(2216)]  [View PDF]
Some New Results on Double Domination in Graphs
  CHEN Xue-gang and SUN Liang
  2005,25(3):451-456 [Abstract(3029)]  [View PDF]
Convolution of Absolute Value Sum of Coefficients on Chebyshev Polynomials of the Second Kind
  LI Rong-hua,W.K. Pang and ZHANG Qi-min
  2005,25(3):457-462 [Abstract(2211)]  [View PDF]
An Unsolved Problem by Feller
  Kai Lai Chung
  2005,25(3):463-464 [Abstract(2971)]  [View PDF]
Double Periodic Cubic Spline Spaces over Non-Uniform Type-2 Triangulations
  LIU Huan-wen,MO Yong-xiang and CAO Dun-qian
  2005,25(3):465-473 [Abstract(2231)]  [View PDF]
A Pinching Theorem of Minimal Submanifolds to Ambient Riemannian Manifolds
  2005,25(3):474-478 [Abstract(2362)]  [View PDF]
B?cklund Transformations and n Soliton Solutions
  CHEN Deng-yuan
  2005,25(3):479-488 [Abstract(2350)]  [View PDF]
Existence of Positive Solutions for One-Dimensional p-Laplacian Coupled Boundary Value Problem
  NI Xiao-hong and GE Wei-gao
  2005,25(3):489-494 [Abstract(2261)]  [View PDF]
Poincaré Bifurcation of a Cubic System with Parabolic Arch Boundary and Periodic Ring
  TAN Xin-xin and SHEN Bo-qian
  2005,25(3):495-503 [Abstract(2268)]  [View PDF]
Relations between Logical Functions and Their Chrestenson Spectrum over Finite Fields
  TENG Ji-hong,HUANG Xiao-ying,LI Shi-qu and ZENG Ben-sheng
  2005,25(3):504-510 [Abstract(2156)]  [View PDF]
B-net Resultant of Polynomials and Its Application
  LAI Yi-sheng and WANG Ren-hong
  2005,25(3):511-514 [Abstract(3735)]  [View PDF]
A Refined Jacobi-Davidson Method and Its Correction Equation
  JIA Zhong-xiao and FENG Shao-qiang
  2005,25(3):515-524 [Abstract(2477)]  [View PDF]
Constructing Eigenvalue Method for Solving Sparse Polynomial Equations by Well Arranged Basis in Semigroup Algebra
  LIU Wei-jiang and FENG Guo-chen
  2005,25(3):525-530 [Abstract(3164)]  [View PDF]
Frechet Subdifferentials of Extended Functions in Smooth Banach Spaces
  WU Cong-xin and YANG Fu-chun
  2005,25(3):531-537 [Abstract(2523)]  [View PDF]
Local R0-Algebras
  LIU Lian-zhen and LI Kai-tai
  2005,25(3):538-542 [Abstract(2147)]  [View PDF]
The Extension of Lie Algebras According to the Extension of Fields
  WANG Deng-yin
  2005,25(3):543-547 [Abstract(2062)]  [View PDF]
Stable Range of Endomorphism Rings of Semi Σ Quasi Projective Modules
  WEI Jia-qun
  2005,25(3):548-552 [Abstract(2482)]  [View PDF]
A Sixteen-Classification Partition of Propositional Formula Set F(S) Based on R0-Operator
  HAN Cheng and WANG Guo-jun
  2005,25(3):553-558 [Abstract(3355)]  [View PDF]
Classification of Definite unimodular lattices over Q(61/2)
  WANG Rui-qing
  2005,25(3):559-565 [Abstract(2263)]  [View PDF]
Some Notes on Lower Bound for Ramsey Numbers Using Patching Method
  WU Kang,SU Wen-long and LUO Hai-peng
  2005,25(3):566-570 [Abstract(2040)]  [View PDF]