On the Strongly Nilpotency of Г-rings and Generalized Г-rings
Received:November 06, 1981  
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Chen Weixin Zhejiang University 
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      In this paper, we study the strongly nilpotency of Γ-rings and generalized Γ-rings.(Ⅰ) With what conditions is a strongly nil subring of Γ-rings strongly nilpotent?(Ⅱ) With what conditions is a nil subring of Γ-rings strongly nilpotent?For(Ⅰ), the condition is one of the following conditions:(1) ascending chain condition on the- strongly nilpotent subrings.(2) Noether's condition.(3) Goldie's condition.(4) ascending chain condition on right annihilators and on left annihilators. For(Ⅱ), the conditions is (2) or (3). In order that the above results may contain the corresponding results of associative rings, a new concept, generalized Γ-ring is introduced, so that any associative ring is naturally explained as a generalized Γ-ring. It is proved that the above results are valid in generalized Γ-rings. Thence the well-known results of associative rings are special cases in generalized Γ-rings.
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