Sufficient And Necessary Condition For Convergence of Conditional Error Probability in NN-Pattern Discrimination
Received:February 23, 1983  
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Chen Guijing Anhui University 
Kong Fanchao Anhui University 
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      Let (θ1,X1),…, (θn,Xn), (θ, X) be iid random vectors ,where θ∈{0,1},X∈Rd Denote by θ′n the nearest neighbour discriminator of θ based on the training samples (θ1,X1),…, (θn,Xn) and the observed X; put(?). This paper gives a sufficient and necessary condition for (?) as n→∞, namely (P(θ=0, X=x)-P(θ=1, X=x))2·P(θ=0, X=x)·P(θ=1, X=x)=0 for every x∈Rd.This generalizes a previous result of the authors [5] and improves a result of Wagner, T.J. [2].
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