On hypersurfaces in a conformally flat Riemannian manifold with parallel second fundamental form
Received:May 03, 1984  
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Shui Naixiang Hangzhou University 
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      In this paper, we prove the followingTheorem. Let Cn+1 ( n >5 ) be a conformally flat Riemannian anifola of dimension n + 1 . If Mn is a hypersurface immersed isometrically in Cn+1 over which the second fundamental form is covariant constant, then there are three posible cases only:I . locally Mn= Sp×Sq×Sr, p+q+r=n;Ⅱ . locally Mn=Sp×Sq, p + q = n , where Sk is k- dimensional Riemannian space of constant curvature;III. Mn is umbilical and conformally flat. Moreover, if Mn is connected and complete, then the result holds globally.
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