Some Characterizations of Near N-compact Sets inL-fuzzy Topological Spaces
Key Words: L-fuzzy topological space   near N-compact L-fuzzy subset   fuzzy lattice.  
Fund Project:Project Supported by the Y-M.A.L.F. of Shandong.
Author NameAffiliation
Meng Guangwu Dept. of Math.
Liaocheng Teacher’s College
P.R. China 
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      In this paper, the concepts of Mr-cover of L-fuzzy subsets in L-fuzzy topo-logical spaces and the family of L-fuzzy subsets which has the finite Mr-intersectionproperty are introduced and, some characterizations of near N-compact sets are givenand, it is proved that the near N-compactness is hereditary fur regular closed L-fuzzysubsets and that near N-compactness is an “L-good extension”.
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