The Condition (S)Extension of Positive Implicative BCK-Algebras
Received:December 25, 1992  
Key Words: positive implicative BCK-algebra   implicative BCK- algebra   BCK-algebrawith the condition (S)   BCI-endomorphism   semigroup.  
Fund Project:
Author NameAffiliation
Chen Zhaomu Dept. of Math.
Fujian Normal University Fuzhou 350007 
Huang Yisheng Dept. of Math.
Fujian Longyan Normal College Longyan 364000 
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      In this note, we prove that every positive implicative BCK-algebra X canbe imbedded in a positive implicative BCK-algebra X with the condition (S), and X isa subalgebra of X*. In particular, whenever X is implicative, so is X*.
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