On Pseudo-projective Modules
Received:February 28, 1994  
Key Words: projective module, pseudo-projective module.  
Fund Project:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Author NameAffiliation
Tong Wenting Dept. of Math., Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008 
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      An R-module M is called pseudo-projective if for any Riven R-module A. and epimorphistns f,g:M→A there exists a homeinorphisin h:AI→M such that f=gh. In 1984, A.K.Tiwary et al. proved that: a module M is pseudo-projective inf for any given R-Modules A.N.epimorphisms f:M→A and g:N→A there exists a homomorphism h:M→N such that f=gh. Here it is shown that the proposition above is false. Moreover, we give some relations among the class of projective modules the class of somisimple modules and the class of pseudo-projective modules. A charactrization of the semisimple rings. in terms of pseudo-projectivity,is also given.
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