The Stability of Anti Invariant Minimal Submanifolds in Sasakian Manifold
Received:May 26, 1992  
Key Words: Sasakian manifold   anti invariant minimal submanifold   stability of submanifold   Ricci curvature.  
Fund Project:
Author NameAffiliation
Xu Zhicai Basic Courses Centre
Huainan Mining Institute
Anhui 232001 
Li Haizhong Dept. of Appl
Tsing Hua University
Beijing 100084 
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      In this paper, we prove the following Theorem Let Mn+1 be a closed anti invariant minimal submanifold tangent to the structure vector field of Sasakian manifold M2n+1, then (1) If Ricci curvature of M2n+1 is greated than -2 and H1(M n+1 ,R)≠0 , then Mn+1 is unstable. (2) If Ricci curvature of M2n+1 is not greater that -2, then Mn+1 is stable.
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