The Exact Value of det Vn-(x1,...,xn) and Its Applications
Received:October 29, 1995  
Key Words: generalized Vandermonde determinant   computation formula   generalized Vandermonde matrix   rank   Tcbebycheff system.  
Fund Project:Supported by the Science Foundation of Shanxi for Returned Scholars.
Author NameAffiliation
Wang Quanlong Dept. of Math.
Shanxi University
Taiyuan 030006 
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      Suppose that x is a complex number and i is a non negative integer. Define Ni-(x)=|x|i if i is even and Ni-(x)=x|x|i-1 if i is odd. Let Vn-(x1,...,xn) denote the n× n matrix whose (i,j) th entry is Ni-1-(xj) . This paper presents a computation formula for det Vn-(x1,...,xn) , which can be considered as a generalized that of Vandermonde determinant, and some its important theoretical applications.
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