Super-Brownian Motion: The Limiting Behaviour of the Mass Process and the Extension of the State Space
Received:July 11, 1996  
Key Words: super-Brownian motion   mass process   distributional weak convergence   state space  
Fund Project:
Author NameAffiliation
GUO Jun-yi Dept. of Math.
Nankai University
Tinnjin 3OOO71 
HUA Ren-hai Nanjing Institute of Economics 
Hits: 2168
Download times: 836
      Under non-extinction conditions , we study the limiting behaviour 0f the mass process of the super-Brownian motion and give the clear formulation of the Laplace transformation of the limiting distribution. In the last part of the paper we give a sufficient condition under which the state space of the super-Brownian motion with a more general branching mechanism can be extended from MF(Rd) to MP(Rd).
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