The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Equivalence of a Class of Real Singular Germs 
Received:August 16, 1995  
Key Words: converse theorem   Fredholm germ   implicit function.  
Fund Project:
Author NameAffiliation
Cen Yanbin Dept. of Math.
Qiannan Teachers′ College
Duyun 558000 
Cen Yanming Dept. of Math.
Guizhou Institute for Nationalities
Guiyang 550025 
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      Given a reflexive Banach space X .In the ring of C function germ s∈(X) ,any real singular germ f in ∈(X) whose second Frechet derivative at origin f″(0)=T is a Fredholm operator is isomorphic to a germ of the form 1/2+g(v) .If we replace g by a g which is isomorphic to g ,we clearly obtain a germ in ∈(X) which is isomorphic to the original one. However,is true converse of this proposition?In this paper,we will show that the converse is also true.
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