The Category of Finitely Generated Meta-ProjectiveLeft R-Modules
Received:March 22, 1999  
Key Words: meta-projective module   meta-Grothendieck group   category with factor-ization.  
Fund Project:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (1990100), the Natural Science Foundation of Gnangdong Province.
Author NameAffiliation
FENG Liang-gui Dept. of Sys. Eng. & Math.
National Univ. of Defence Tech.
HAO Zhi-feng Dept. of Appl. Math.
South China University of Technology
Inst. of Software
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing 100080, China 
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      In this paper, it is shown that for a QF ring R, the category of projectiveleft R-modules is a category with factorization if and only if gl.dim R ≤1, moreover, if P(RR) = P(RR) = O,then the meta-Grothendieck groups obtained by left modules orby right modules are the same, up to isomorphism. It is also shown that the category of f.g. meta-pojective left R-modules is not only a category with factorization but also acategory with product such that it has a small skeletal subcategory.
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