Commutators of Non-Self-Adjoint Operator Algebras
Received:September 12, 2005  Revised:January 20, 2006
Key Words: Nest algebra   TAF algebra   commutator.  
Fund Project:the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10371061); the Mathematical Tianyuan Foundation of China Grant (A0324614);
Author NameAffiliation
JI Pei-sheng Department of Mathematics, Qingdao University, Shandong 266071, China 
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      Let $T$ be an associative algebra over the complex filed, and the commutator $[T, T]$ of $T$ be the linear span of the set $\{[a,b]:a,b\in T\}$. We describe the $\sigma-wot $ closure of the commutator of a nest algebra and the norm closure of the commutator of an TAF algebra.
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