Graded Excellent Extensions of Graded Rings
Received:June 07, 2005  Revised:July 02, 2006
Key Words: graded excellent extension   graded right $V$-ring   graded $PS$-ring   graded Von Neumann regular ring.  
Fund Project:the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10471055); the Scientific Research Foundation of Liaoning Education Department (05L014).
Author NameAffiliation
REN Yan-li Department of Mathematics, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Jiangsu 210071, China 
WANG Yao Department of Mathematics, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Jiangsu 210071, China 
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      The concept of graded excellent extension of graded rings is introduced. Let $S=\bigoplus_{g\in G}S_g$ be a graded excellent extension of $R=\bigoplus_{g\in G}R_g$. We prove that $S$ is a graded right $V$-ring if and only if $R$ is a graded right $V$-ring, $S$ is graded $PS$-ring if and only if $R$ is a graded $PS$-ring, and $S$ is a Von Neumann regular ring if and only if $R$ is a graded Von Neumann regular ring.
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