E-H-Unretractivity of Bipartite Graphs
Received:March 05, 2007  Revised:July 13, 2007
Key Words: endomorphism monoid   E-H-unretractivity   bipartite graph.  
Fund Project:the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.10671122).
Author NameAffiliation
LI Wei Min Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China 
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      By $\End(G)$ and $h\End(G)$ we denote the set of endomorphisms and half-strong endomorphisms of a graph $G$ respectively. A graph $G$ is said to be E-H-unretractive if $\End(G)=h\End(G)$. A general characterization of an E-H-unretractive graph seems to be difficult. In this paper, bipartite graphs with E-H-unretractivity are characterized explicitly.
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