The Representation of Group Inverse with Affine Combination
Received:December 08, 2006  Revised:October 28, 2007
Key Words: group inverses   cramer rule   affine combination.  
Fund Project:the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee (No.\,062112065); Shanghai Priority Academic Discipline Foundation; the University Young Teacher Sciences Foundation of Anhui Province (No.\,2006jq1220zd) and the PhD Program Scholarship Fund of ECNU 2007.
Author NameAffiliation
SHENG Xing Ping School of Mathematics and Computational Science, Fuyang Normal College, Anhui 236032, China
Department of Mathematics, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China 
CAI Jing Department of Mathematics, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
School of Science, Huzhou Normal College, Zhejiang 313000, China 
CHEN Guo Liang Department of Mathematics, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
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      In this paper, we first give two equalities in the operation of determinant. Using the expression of group inverse with full-rank factorization $A_g=F(GF)^{-2}G$ and the Cramer rule of the nonsingular linear system $Ax=b$, we present a new method to prove the representation of group inverse with affine combination $$A_g=\sum_{(I,J)\in {\cal N}(A)}\frac{1}{\nu^2}\det(A)_{IJ}\widehat{{\rm adj}A_{JI}}.$$ A numerical example is given to demonstrate that the formula is efficient.
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