Removable Edges in a 5-Connected Graph
Received:July 08, 2009  Revised:January 18, 2010
Key Words: 5-connected graph   removable edge   edge-vertex-atom.  
Fund Project:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.10831001) and the Science-Technology Foundation for Young Scientists of Fujian Province (Grant No.2007F3070).
Author NameAffiliation
Li Qiong XU School of Sciences, Jimei University, Fujian 361023, P. R. China 
Xiao Feng GUO School of Mathematics Sciences, Xiamen University, Fujian 361005, P. R. China 
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      An edge $e$ of a $k$-connected graph $G$ is said to be a removable edge if $G\ominus e$ is still $k$-connected, where $G\ominus e$ denotes the graph obtained from $G$ by deleting $e$ to get $G-e$, and for any end vertex of $e$ with degree $k-1$ in $G-e$, say $x$, delete $x$, and then add edges between any pair of non-adjacent vertices in $N_{G-e}(x)$. The existence of removable edges of $k$-connected graphs and some properties of 3-connected and 4-connected graphs have been investigated [1,\,11,\,14,\,15]. In the present paper, we investigate some properties of 5-connected graphs and study the distribution of removable edges on a cycle and a spanning tree in a 5-connected graph. Based on the properties, we proved that for a 5-connected graph $G$ of order at least 10, if the edge-vertex-atom of $G$ contains at least three vertices, then $G$ has at least $(3|G| 2)/2$ removable edges.
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