Laplacian Spectral Characterization of a Kind of Unicyclic Graphs
Received:November 14, 2013  Revised:June 19, 2014
Key Words: Laplacian spectrum   unicyclic graphs   Laplacian matrix.  
Fund Project:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.11171273) and Graduate Starting Seed Fund of Northwestern Polytechnical University (Grant No.Z2014173).
Author NameAffiliation
Luhua WANG Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Shaanxi 710072, P. R. China 
Ligong WANG Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Shaanxi 710072, P. R. China 
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      Let $H(n;q,n_1,n_2,n_3,n_4)$ be a unicyclic graph with $n$ vertices containing a cycle $C_q$ and four hanging paths $P_{n_1+1}$, $P_{n_2+1}$, $P_{n_3+1}$ and $P_{n_4+1}$ attached at the same vertex of the cycle. In this paper, it is proved that all unicyclic graphs $H(n;q,n_1,n_2,n_3,n_4)$ are determined by their Laplacian spectra.
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