On Intuitionistic Fuzzy LI-ideals in Lattice Implication Algebras
Received:September 02, 2014  Revised:December 22, 2014
Key Words: lattice-valued logic   lattice implication algebra   intuitionistic fuzzy \emph{LI}-ideal  
Fund Project:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.60774073).
Author NameAffiliation
Chunhui LIU Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Chifeng University, Inner Mongolia 024001, P. R. China 
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      In the present paper, the intuitionistic fuzzy LI-ideal theory in lattice implication algebras is further studied. Some new properties and equivalent characterizations of intuitionistic fuzzy LI-ideals are given. Representation theorem of intuitionistic fuzzy LI-ideal which is generated by an intuitionistic fuzzy set is established. It is proved that the set consisting of all intuitionistic fuzzy LI-ideals in a lattice implication algebra, under the inclusion order, forms a complete distributive lattice.
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