A Newton-Based Perturbation Method for a Robust Inverse Optimization Problem
Received:August 30, 2015  Revised:September 23, 2016
Key Words: inverse optimization   robust linear programming   perturbation approach   inexact Newton method  
Fund Project:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.11571059) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No.DUT16LK30).
Author NameAffiliation
Zhiqiang JIA School of Mathematical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning 116024, P. R. China 
Jian GU School of Sciences, Dalian Ocean University, Liaoning 116023, P. R. China 
Xiantao XIAO School of Mathematical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning 116024, P. R. China 
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      In this paper, we aim to solve an inverse robust optimization problem, in which the parameters in both the objective function and the robust constraint set need to be adjusted as little as possible so that a known feasible solution becomes the optimal one. We formulate this inverse problem as a minimization problem with a linear equality constraint, a second-order cone complementarity constraint and a linear complementarity constraint. A perturbation approach is constructed to solve the inverse problem. An inexact Newton method with Armijo line search is applied to solve the perturbed problem. Finally, the numerical results are reported to show the effectiveness of the approach.
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