Balanced Subeulerian Signed Graphs and Signed Line Graphs
Received:March 15, 2023  Revised:July 07, 2023
Key Words: signed graph   signed line graph   balanced eulerian   balanced subeulerian  
Fund Project:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.12261016).
Author NameAffiliation
Juan LIU College of Big Data Statistics, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guizhou 550025, P. R. China 
Hong YANG College of Mathematics and System Sciences, Xinjiang University, Xinjiang 830046, P. R. China 
Xindong ZHANG College of Big Data Statistics, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guizhou 550025, P. R. China 
Hongjian LAI Department of Mathematics, West Virginia University, Morgantown 26506, USA 
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      A signed graph $S=\left(S^u, \sigma\right)$ has an underlying graph $S^u$ and a function $\sigma: E\left(S^u\right) \longrightarrow\{+,-\}$. Let $E^{-}(S)$ denote the set of negative edges of $S$. Then $S$ is eulerian signed graph (or subeulerian signed graph, or balanced eulerian signed graph, respectively) if $S^{u}$ is eulerian (or subeulerian, or eulerian and $|E^{-}(S)|$ is even, respectively). We say that $S$ is balanced subeulerian signed graph if there exists a balanced eulerian signed graph $S'$ such that $S'$ is spanned by $S$. The signed line graph $L(S)$ of a signed graph $S$ is a signed graph with the vertices of $L(S)$ being the edges of $S$, where an edge $e_i e_j$ is in $ L(S)$ if and only if the edges $e_i$ and $e_j$ of $S$ have a vertex in common in $S$ such that an edge $e_i e_j$ in $L(S)$ is negative if and only if both edges $e_i$ and $e_j$ are negative in $S$. In this paper, two families of signed graphs $\mathcal{S}$ and $\mathcal{S}'$ are identified, which are applied to characterize balanced subeulerian signed graphs and balanced subeulerian signed line graphs. In particular, it is proved that a signed graph $S$ is balanced subeulerian if and only if $S\not\in \mathcal{S}$, and that a signed line graph of signed graph $S$ is balanced subeulerian if and only if $S\not\in \mathcal{S}'$.
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