Journal overview:

Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications (JMRA), formerly Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition (JMRE) created in 1981,  one of the Transactions of China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, is a home for original research papers of the highest quality in all areas of mathematics with applications. The target audience comprises: pure and applied mathematicians, graduate students in broad fields of sciences and technology, scientists and engineers interested in mathematics.

 Publishing cycle:

JMRA is currently published bimonthly with 144 pages for this issue.


JMRA, as the successor of JMRE, will still be indexed/reviewed in the famous international databases such as Mathematical Reviews (MR), Current Mathematical Publications (CMP) and Zentralblatt f\"{u}r Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete. Since 1993, JMRE has already been included as one of the source journals by Chinese Science Citation Database, which are generally evaluated as the core of Chinese core journals.

In 2021, this journal was selected into the "Mathematics Journal Grading Table" issued by the Chinese Mathematical Society, and into the "World Journal Clout Index (WJCI) Report (2020STM)" (referred to as "WJCI Report", see The journals selected in the "Mathematics Journal Grading Table" and "WJCI Report" are regarded as outstanding journals with regional and subject representativeness.


 Submission of papers:

Authors are requested to submit their papers written in good English in PDF format generated from LaTeX electronically by using online paper submission available at and, at the same time, to suggest up to five reviewers appropriate for the paper reviewing with reviewers' full addresses, including Email addresses (JMRA accepts neither electronic files for papers produced on any other typesetting or word processing system, nor hard copies.)  All papers will be refereed. If necessary, the author(s) would be asked to revise the manuscript according to the referee's suggestions. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make reasonable modifications in wording.  If the paper is accepted, the original source LaTeX files need to be sent via E-mail to Papers are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been published, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that its submission for publication has been approved by all of the authors. Each paper should contain title, abstract, key words and AMS subject classifications accompanied by full postal addresses, E-mail addresses and telephone numbers of the authors. References should be listed in order of citation at the end of the paper. It is strongly recommended that authors follow the style of the articles published in the former Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications (JMRA). 


Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to transfer copyright and the authors will be required to pay, at publication, a page charge based on the number of published journal pages. But the page charge will be waived if all the authors are from overseas, or if one of the authors is a member of the Editorial Board of JMRA.


Telephone: 86-411-84707392


Address of the editorial office: School of Mathematical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, P. R. China.
