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| Complete Totally Real Submanifolds with Parallel Mean Curvature |
| Shen Yibing |
| 1987,7(4):527-532 [Abstract(1902)] [View PDF] |
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| On a Class of Complete Solvable Groups of Finite Order |
| Zhai Qibin |
| 1987,7(4):533-539 [Abstract(1855)] [View PDF] |
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| 《拓扑线性空间选讲》评介 |
| Tian Fangzeng |
| 1987,7(4):540 [Abstract(1785)] [View PDF] |
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| 关于S—集与S—闭包 |
| Yun Ziqiu |
| 1987,7(4):541-544 [Abstract(1764)] [View PDF] |
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| Matrix Algebra Motivated by Essentially Stochastic Matrices |
| Jin Bai Kim |
| 1987,7(4):545-549 [Abstract(2179)] [View PDF] |
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| Two Wider Classes of Combinatorial Identities |
| L.C.Hsu |
| 1987,7(4):550 [Abstract(1766)] [View PDF] |
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| 星形变换的周期 |
| Wang Kunjian |
| 1987,7(4):551-554 [Abstract(1781)] [View PDF] |
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| The Fixed Point Theorem of The Contractive Mapping (16) |
| Zhong Jichun |
| 1987,7(4):555-558 [Abstract(1851)] [View PDF] |
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| 关于予解式的收敛性 |
| Ma Shaoqin |
| 1987,7(4):559-563 [Abstract(1857)] [View PDF] |
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| 关于Ahuja的一个定理 |
| Yang Dinggong |
| 1987,7(4):564 [Abstract(1766)] [View PDF] |
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| On Extreme Points of Some Subclasses of Close-to-Convex Functions |
| Shen Dawei |
| 1987,7(4):565-570 [Abstract(1714)] [View PDF] |
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| 关于亚纯函数的亏函数和例外函数 |
| Yang Lianzhong |
| 1987,7(4):571-576 [Abstract(1834)] [View PDF] |
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| A Duality Theorem for S-Residually Decomposable Operators |
| Zhang Dianzhou and Wang Sou Shi |
| 1987,7(4):577-582 [Abstract(2194)] [View PDF] |
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| Banach空间上线性算子的伪条件数与最小模 |
| Sun Chuankun |
| 1987,7(4):583-584 [Abstract(1827)] [View PDF] |
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| Shiff of Finite Multip Licify |
| Zheng Dechao |
| 1987,7(4):585-589 [Abstract(2053)] [View PDF] |
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| 关于匀称超树数的猜想 |
| Liu Bolian |
| 1987,7(4):590 [Abstract(1761)] [View PDF] |
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| 可列谱的仿正规算子是正规算子 |
| Qiu Chaoxin |
| 1987,7(4):591-594 [Abstract(1827)] [View PDF] |
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| 一类非线性方程存在多个极限环的一个充分条件 |
| Tan Xuan |
| 1987,7(4):595-603 [Abstract(1823)] [View PDF] |
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| Approximation-Transforming Theory and Pansyst Approximation Theory(Ⅲ) |
| Wu Xuemou |
| 1987,7(4):604 [Abstract(1948)] [View PDF] |
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| 泛函微分方程中的广义拉什密辛型定理 |
| Wen Lizhi |
| 1987,7(4):605-610 [Abstract(1887)] [View PDF] |
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| On the Relation between Globality and Linearity of Solutions of Analytic O. D. E′. s |
| H.Gingold |
| 1987,7(4):611-613 [Abstract(1965)] [View PDF] |
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| On the Functional Estimation and Its Applications |
| Di Jizheng |
| 1987,7(4):614 [Abstract(1804)] [View PDF] |
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| 零阶项系数充分大的完全非线性椭圆型方程的边值问题 |
| Hu Bei |
| 1987,7(4):615-626 [Abstract(2072)] [View PDF] |
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| 半线性蜕缩椭圆型方程的Dirichlet问题 |
| Wang Chuanfang |
| 1987,7(4):627-634 [Abstract(1865)] [View PDF] |
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| 关于重节点多元B样条的构造 |
| Yin Zumeng |
| 1987,7(4):635-639 [Abstract(1756)] [View PDF] |
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| B(m→m)中的等距逼近问题 |
| Wang Risheng |
| 1987,7(4):640-642 [Abstract(1717)] [View PDF] |
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| 关于Lagrange插值平均收敛的注记 |
| Sun Xiehua |
| 1987,7(4):643-646 [Abstract(1780)] [View PDF] |
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| Twe Limit Theotoms of Variselvent Approximation |
| Zhu Changzhong |
| 1987,7(4):647-652 [Abstract(2136)] [View PDF] |
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| Peano核非负的最佳求积公式 |
| Xuan Xiaohua |
| 1987,7(4):653-656 [Abstract(1812)] [View PDF] |
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| 关于多项式求根的一个并行算法的收敛性 |
| Zheng Shiming |
| 1987,7(4):657-660 [Abstract(1706)] [View PDF] |
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| Convergence of the integration of the stationary weakly correlated process |
| Lin Zhengyan |
| 1987,7(4):661-664 [Abstract(1960)] [View PDF] |
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| On Some Solutions of Ak=J-i |
| Wang Tianming and Ding Kequan |
| 1987,7(4):665-667 [Abstract(1897)] [View PDF] |
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| Representations of the Irreducibility for Tensor Product of Matrices |
| Pang Mingxian and Sun Yuxiang |
| 1987,7(4):668-670 [Abstract(1934)] [View PDF] |
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| Finite Element Method for a Class of Nonliner Problems I-Abstract Results |
| Wang Ming |
| 1987,7(4):671-680 [Abstract(1883)] [View PDF] |
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| On Mean Value Theorems in Guasidifferentlal Calculus |
| Xia Zunquan |
| 1987,7(4):681-684 [Abstract(1995)] [View PDF] |
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| 曲面上动力系统的某些进展 |
| Yu Shuxiang |
| 1987,7(4):685-690 [Abstract(1906)] [View PDF] |
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