On G?del' s Imcompleteness Theorem
Received:November 27, 1980  
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Hsu L. C. Jilin University 
Chu W. J. Jilin University 
Yuan S. W. Nanjing University 
Tseng Y. S. Nanjing University 
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      The object of this expository paper is to disclose the real essential idea involved in G?del's imcompleteness theorem through a detailed analysis of the proof presented in Arbib's booklet. In §1 very extensive definitions have been given of the potential infinite and the real infinite, respectively. In §2 the general concept concerning types of infinite extension processes as well as the principle of relatively complete exhaustion have been expounded. In§3 a deeper analysis has been made of the well-known proof of G?del's imcompleteness theorem, thus leading to the conclusion that G?del's theorem is actually implied by the most general principle that any infinite process of lower type cannot exhaust and exhibit the whole content of the corresponding process with relatively higher type, where the words "exhaust" and "exhibit" may be given precise meanings in certain special cases including the case for G?del's arithmetic logic.
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