The Smallest Size of a Maximal Family of Subsets of a Finite Set No k of Which are Pairwise Disjoint
Received:July 04, 1984  
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Huang Guotai Hainan University 
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      Let S be a finite set with n elements, and Fk(s) be a maximal family of subsets of S no k of which are pairwise disjoint, i.e for any A1, … Ak∈Fk(s), there exist Ai and Aj(i≠j) such that Ai∩Aj≠φ; and for A0?S, A0∈Fk(S), there exist A1′, … Ak-1′ in Fk(s) such that A1′, … Ak-1′ and A0 are pairwise disjoint. How large can Fk(s) be? An unper bound on size of Fk(S) has been obtained by kleitman (see [ 1 ]), but lower bound remains open. P.Erdos and D. Kleit-man asked if the smallest size of a maximal family of subsets of S on k of which are pairwise disjoint is equal to 2n-2n-k (see [2′]) This paper answers the question nogatively, and the smallest size of Fk(s) is determined. The main results can be described as follows. Theorem 1 min|Fk(s)|≤2n-2n-k+1, where the minimum is taken over all maximal family of subsets of S on k of which are pairwise disjoint.Theorem 2 min|Fk(s)|=2n-2n-k+1.
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