Decomposition of Involutions
Received:September 27, 1990  
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Gan Danyan Zhejiang University
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      Using the notion of biconnected sum we define the biconnected sum (T1, M1)§(T2,M2) of two involutions (T1M1) and (T2,M2) which is an involution on the biconnected sum M1,§M2. A connected involution is said to be reducible if it can be expressed as a biconnected sum of two connected involutions.Theorem Each connected involution (T, M) can be decomposed into a bi-connected sum of connected irreducible involutions (T, M)=(T1, M1)§…§(Tq,Mq),and (?) where the coefficients of Hn_1(M) are in Z/2 Z if M is unoriented, in Z if is oriented .
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