The Integral Formnla of Pontrjagin Characteristic Formon a Grassmann Manifold
Received:December 26, 1992  
Key Words: Grassmann manifold   Schubert variety   Pontrjagin characteristic form  
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Author NameAffiliation
Mei Xiangming Dept. of Math.
Capital Normal University
Beijing 100037 
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      Let Gn+m,n=be a Grassmann manifold. Z2k is a Schubert variety of Gn+m,n. Let E be the canonicalvector bundle on Gn+m,n and E C is the complexification of E. Let E be the associ-ated unitary in (n-2k)-frame bundle of E C, and E′ is a subbundle of E C.In thispaper, we prove the following integral formula:where C4k is a 4k-dimensional chain of Gn+m,n, and Pk(Ω)is the kth Pontrjagin charac-teristic form of Gn+m,n T and T′are the (4k-1)-forms defined on E and E′respectively.
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