The Invariant Characters of one Class of Measure-valuedBranching Processes
Received:November 20, 1993  
Key Words: measure-valued branching Processes   translation- invariant   invariant mea-sure   relatively invariant processes.  
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Author NameAffiliation
Wang Yongjin Department of Mathematics
Nankai University
Tianjin 300071 
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      The spatial homogeneity is an important character for Levy-processes on Eu-clidean space R.The analogy for the Measure-valued branchinng processes over LevyProcesses (also called Super-Levy processes) will be discussed in this paper. That is thetranslation-invariaut in the sense of distributions. Moreover some stronger results arealso derived for the special Measure-valued branching processes when their initial mea-sures are given by the Lebesguc measure.
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