On Properties of the Operato ─(▽—ia)2+Ⅴ(Ⅰ)
Received:October 31, 1992  Revised:April 25, 1994
Key Words: self-adjoint operator   essential self-adjoint extension   Schrodinger operators  
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Author NameAffiliation
Yu Kaiqi Dept. of Math .Phys.and Mech.Nanjing Univ.Aeron.and Astron.210016 
Ma Jipu Dept.of Math. Nanjing Univ.210008 
Hits: 1994
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      In this paper,we consider Schrodinger forms (operators) with singular magnetic vectorpotentials ─(▽—ia)2+Ⅴ. We prove that when the negative part V_ of electric potentialV satisfies(?) in dependentof V and a=(a1,a2,…,aN)∈Lloc2(RN)N, ─(▽—ia)2+Ⅴ has essential self-adjointextension F and it is the only self-adjoint realization of ─(▽—ia)2+Ⅴ. Moreover,We consider the continuity of (a,V) respect to a and V in the sense of strong resolvent.
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