Remarks on Devenport′s Constant
Received:September 22, 1994  
Key Words: Davenport′s constant.  
Fund Project:
Author NameAffiliation
Gao Weidong Inst. of Math Sci.
Dalian University of Technology
Dalian 116024 
Lin Hongfei Dept. of Comp Sci
Dalian University Technology
Dalian 116024 
Hits: 1981
Download times: 1184
      Let G be a finite group (written additively). The Davenport's constant D (G) is the minimal integer d such that, every sequence of d elements in G contains a nonempty subsequence such that the sum of whose elements in a suitable order is zero.In this paper, some estimations are proved on D (G). It is shown among other results that if G=H⊕Zem and e=e(H) then D(G)≤em+e|H|-e, where H is a finite group,and e(H) is the least common mutiplier of orders of elements in H.
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