Gaussian Curvature Equation on the Whole Plane
Received:August 24, 1993  Revised:April 09, 1994
Key Words: Gaussian curvature   problem with unbounded domain   semilinear elliptic equation.  
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Author NameAffiliation
Wang Yuanming Dept. of Math. & Mech.
Southeast Univ.
Nanjing 210018 
Wang Mingwang Microelectronic Centre
Nanjing 210018 
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      In this paper, the existences of solutions for K≥0 in one dimension and radial solutions for K≥0 in two dimensions are proved by the Schauder′s fixed point theorem. Moreover, the asymptotic behavior of the maximal solution is described and the radial solutions are classified for K≤0 and has appropriate asympototic behavior at infinite distance.
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