On General Solutions of the Iterated Functional Equation f2(x)=af(x)+bx
Key Words: continuous function   iterated functional equation   dynamical system   general solution.  
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Mai Jiehua Inst. of Math.
Shantou University
Guangdong 515063 
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      Let a and b be real numbers, and let the two zero points of the quadratic polynomial λ2-aλ-b of λ be λ1=randλ2=s. For the three cases 0 < r < s, r < 0 < s ≠- r , and r = s≠ 0 , J. Matkow skiand Weinian Zhang obtained general solutions of the iterated functional equation f2(x)=af(x)+bx, fo r a ll x ∈ R ; f ∈ C0(R , R ) (1) in their paper“Method of characteristics for functional equation in polynomial form ”, and proved that there are no solutions of equation (1) when r and s are not real numbers. For the case r =-s≠0, M. Kuczma has given general solutions of (1). And in this paper, for the remaining two cases r < s < 0 and rs = 0 , we give general solutions of (1). Moreover, we give a simple proof about general solutions of (1) in the case r<0
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