An Inverse Problem of a System of Right Linear Equations over Skew Fields
  Revised:June 28, 1996
Key Words: skew field   the real quaternion field   inverse problem of linear equations   (skew) self conjugate matrix   metapositive (semi) definite matrix.  
Fund Project:
Author NameAffiliation
Wang Qingwen Dept. of Math.
Changwei Teachers′College
Weifang 261043 
Lin Chunyan Dept. of Basic Sciences
Shandong Finance College
Jinan 250014 
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      In this paper, we generalize and improve the inverse problem of a system of linear real equations, solve the more general inverse of a system of linear right equations over skew fields. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of and the expressions for (skew) self conjugate solutions and metapositive (semi) definite solutions of the present problem are obtained.
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