On Change of Ring Theorems of G-Matlis Reflexive Modules
Received:July 11, 1995  
Key Words: G-Matlis reflexive modules   change of ring theorems   Noetherian complete semilocal rings.  
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Author NameAffiliation
Huang Zhaoyong Dept. of Math.
Beijing Normal Univ.
Beijing 100875 
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      Let R and T be Noetherian complete semilocal rings, R T a ring homomorphism. In this paper, we show that if T is a finitely generated or Artinian R-module, M is a G-Matlis reflexive R-module, then for all n>0, Ext(T,M), Ext(M,T), Tor(T,M) and Tor(M,T) are G-Matlis reflexive T-modules. These results generalize the results of R.Belshoff.
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