On Generalized Inverse Vector Valued Continued Fraction Interpolation Splines
Received:March 19, 1996  
Key Words: vectors   continued fractions   rational splines  
Fund Project:Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Author NameAffiliation
Gu Chuanqing Dept. of Math.. Shanghai University. Shanghai 200072 
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      The definition of vector valned continned fraction interpolating splines is at first introduced by means of generalized inverse of a vector. In the computation of the interpolating splines,which are of representation of the convergences for Thiele-type continned fraction.the three relation is avioded and a new effective recursive algorithm is constrncted. A sufficient condition for existence is given. Some interpolation results incluing uniqueness are given. In the end. a exact interpolation remainder formula is obtained.
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