The Nonstandard Representation of Optimal Stopping of a Class of Right Continuous Processes on Loeb Spaces
Received:June 30, 1996  
Key Words: SRC lifting   standard part   S-optimal stopping  
Fund Project:This work was supported by a grant from National Natural Science Foundation.
Author NameAffiliation
Liu Puyin Dept. of System Engineering and Math.
Natiollal University of Defence Technology
Changsha 410073 
Jin Zhiming Dept. of System Engineering and Math.
Natiollal University of Defence Technology
Changsha 410073 
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      In the paper,we obtain the SRC lifting of a right continuous, left upper semi-continuous random process on a Loeb space.And show the existence of S-optimal stopping of an internal process,construct the S-optimal stopping. Finally we prove the fact that the standard part of the S-optimal stopping of a SRC lifting is the optimal stopping of the corresponding standard process,which generalizes the conclusions in [8]on a Loeb space.
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