Right Cancellative Monoids, Left Regular Bands and Left Regular Type A Monoids
Received:November 13, 1995  
Key Words: right cancellative monoid   left regular band   left regular type A monoid   P-cover  
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Author NameAffiliation
GUO Xiao-jiang College of Mathematics
Sihuan University
Chengdu 610064
Dept. of Math.
Yunnan University
Kunming 650091 
TIAN Zhen-ji Dept of Basic Courses
Lanzhou Institute of Railroad
Lanzhou 730070 
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      In this paper the structure of proper left regular type A monoids is established in terms of right cancellative monoids and leftregular bands. After it is proved that every left regular type A monoid always has a P-cover, the structure of such cover is given.
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