Condition of Sectional Curvature Tend to Zero at to infinity about Complete Riemannian Manifold with Non-Positive Curvature
Received:June 09, 1997  
Key Words: normal geodesic   Jacobi field   sectional curvature.  
Fund Project:
Author NameAffiliation
XIA Da-feng Dept. of Math.
Fuyang Normal College
XU Sen-lin Dept. of Math. Univ of Sci. &Tech. of China
Hefei 230026 
QI Feng Dept. of Math. Univ of Sci. &Tech. of China
Hefei 230026 
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      In this paper, we give and prove the following theorem: If M is a complete Riemannian manifold with non-positive curvature, r: [0,+∞ )→M be a normal geodesic on M, U bea non-trivial normal Jacobi field along r and U (0) = 0, and if there is a a> 0,t>0 so that(?).
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