A Note on the Method to Simplify Fuzzy Logic Functions
Received:October 31, 1996  
Key Words: fuzzy logic function   minimum   generalized complementary term.  
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Author NameAffiliation
YANG Lun-biao South China University of Technology
Guangzhou 510641 
LUO Wen-biao South China University of Technology
Guangzhou 510641 
Hits: 2025
Download times: 853
      In this paper, the method that immediately simplibies fuzzy logic functions is improved. Firstly, the concept of the generalized complementary terms is established, and the necessary and sufficient conditions that can eliminate the terms are proved' Secondly. the method to solve question that is not finns the condition of theoremal is given. And so the method to reduce fuzzy logic functions to its simplest forms is obtaimed.
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